Thomson Ecology Photography Competition

Competition summary:
Following 2017’s theme ‘Our natural world’ – won by overall winner Ian Stone, with his striking sea otter image ‘Rolling in the seaweed’ – this years theme focuses on ‘Man’s impact on nature’.
Entries are open until Friday 28 September, but check out our official photography competition page for more details and how to enter.
Entry requirements:
Images must have been taken in the British Isles.
Your decision to enter the Thomson Ecology Photographic Competition 2018 denotes your acceptance and adherence to these rules.
Images must not include domesticated animals, pets, animals kept in zoos or otherwise in captivity.
If you include people in your photograph, please attach a scan of their signed acceptance of publication with your email.
Do not submit images depicting wilful harassment or endangerment of wildlife or damage to the environment
Images must have been taken by the entrant, and not have won a national or international competition or have been published before.
Photographs that have been materially altered in digital processing will be disqualified solely at the judges’ discretion.
All decisions by the judges will be final and binding
A maximum of two entries per person.
Email your entries to
Photos must be at least 1MB in size and in JPEG format
Name each file as follows: first-name-last-name-image title.jpg
State on the entry email: a caption and brief description, including any species names; your name, address, telephone number; the date of the photograph and where you took it.
Entry fee:
This contest is free to enter.
Prize details:
The prize for the winning photo is £200. There will also be a runner-up prize of £50. The winning images will be included on our website and our social channels, and may also appear in the press.
Terms and Conditions
Competition rules:
Images must have been taken in the British Isles
Your decision to enter the Thomson Ecology Photographic Competition 2018 denotes your acceptance and adherence to these rules.
Images must not include domesticated animals, pets, animals kept in zoos or otherwise in captivity
If you include people in your photograph, please attach a scan of their signed acceptance of publication with your email.
Do not submit images depicting wilful harassment or endangerment of wildlife or damage to the environment
Images must have been taken by the entrant, and not have won a national or international competition or have been published before.
Photographs that have been materially altered in digital processing will be disqualified solely at the judges’ discretion.
All decisions by the judges will be final and binding.