Street Life

Competition summary:
In this challenge, we want to see photographs of the street life moments.
Street life moments can be the musician in the corner, coffee drinker on the sidewalk, a couple of lovers in the park or any other moment in people’s life.
Please don’t present empty streets, mighty towers or city landscapes – the focus is all about people.
Be creative, express YOU!
Entry requirements:
Photographers from any country and any age may enter.
Login with your Facebook, Google or Email and upload photos in this contest. You can also use Halla’s free Android & iOS mobile app to participate in the contest.
Prize details:
2 Winners will get amazing goodies like T-shirts, Mugs or photo prints.
Terms and Conditions
Upload your best photo. 1 User can submit only 1 Photo.
The photo must be in JPG format, at a maximum size of 4000 × 3000 pixels. The file size should not exceed 8 MB.
No Entry Fee
Winners selected by Judges based on creativity, originality, and in accordance to the theme of the contest.
Submit photos captured by you only. You always maintain the rights to your submissions.
By entering the contest you accept the terms of use.