Skye Photo Challenge

Status: Closed to entry Opening date: 01 April 2018 Closing date: 28 October 2018 Winners chosen by: Judging panel and audience vote
This contest is currently closed for entries. Click here to receive an email notification when it opens again.
Skye Photo Challenge

Competition summary:

The Skye Photo Challenge celebrates and showcases the diversity of amazing landscape and cultural potential of the Isle of Skye in the Scottish Highlands. Visited each year by thousands of photographers from all over the world, this competition gives the chance for all the amazing photos which have been taken to be showcased and seen by the masses.

The overall winner receives a cash prize of £1,000, which can be sent anywhere in the world in any currency. There are also cash prizes for all top ten entries, along with other photo related prizes.

To cover the prize fund, a modest entry fee of £5 per photo entered is required. This is a non profit making competition, so any excess funds get carried over to the following year's prize fund.

A shortlist of 50 images are chosen by a professional panel, but the top ten places are chosen by the public through an online voting system via the competition website.

Only photos of the Isle of Skye are permitted, but anyone can enter (no age or nationality restrictions). There is also no time limit on when the photo was taken, so even historical images qualify.

This competition doesn't request copyright of the images - it's run by photographers for photographers in the name of fun.

Entry requirements:

This is an open competition for any photo of the Isle of Skye. There are no other restrictions other than the photo must be identifyable as the Isle of Skye.

Entry fee:

£5 per image entered.

Prize details:

1st prize = £1,000 plus KASE professional filter holder.
2nd prize = £200
3rd prize = £100
4th-10th places all receive £50

Terms and Conditions

This competition is open to all photographers from any nation and of any age.

Only images of the Isle of Skye will be eligible for entry.

Images can also be views from the Isle of Skye - for example of the Isle of Rum from Glenbrittle.

Images must be recognisable as Skye. For example a photo of an eagle flying in a clear sky without any land features to prove where it was taken, or a macro shot of a fossil will not be eligible.

Images can be of any subject (landscape, wildlife, portrait, etc), but should portray the Isle of Skye. A great portrait shot of a family enjoying their time on holiday would be a good example of this. Images can be in colour or black & white.

The Isle of Skye is known and photographed for its natural beauty and wildlife, so it seems fitting that the photos entered for this competition should also be natural. Photos must not be digitally altered beyond basic adjustments of contrast, colour balance, saturation, levels, etc.

No cloning is permitted. No merging of different exposures is permitted, although stitching of more than one exposure together to form a panoramic image is allowed, providing the exposures were all taken in a single sequence at the same time. Cropping is allowed.

Finalists will be requested to prove the authenticity of their image by providing the original RAW or JPEG capture.

All photographs must be original work and be owned by the photographer.

All entries must be entered via this website. No postal entries will be accepted.

There is no limit to how many photos a single photographer can enter, but each photo must be entered separately.

The closing date for entries is 10pm (GMT) on Sunday 28th Oct 2018.

The Isle of Skye Photo Competition will not use your images for any purpose not connected with the competition. Copyright of any entered image remains solely with the photographer.

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