Portrait of Humanity

Competition summary:
Portrait of Humanity is a new global initiative by 1854 Media, publisher of British Journal of Photography, in partnership with Magnum Photos.
It serves as a timely reminder, that despite our many differences, we are able to unite as a global community through the power of photography, to create one of the greatest collaborative photography exhibitions in history.
At its core, Portrait of Humanity will be a celebration of our shared values:
Individuality - Community - Unity
We are inviting photographers of any level, to show us the world through their eyes, to capture the many faces of humanity, and to document the universal expressions of life; laughter, courage, moments of reflection, journeys to work, first hellos, last goodbyes, and everything in between. What’s normal to you might be extraordinary to someone else.
200 shortlisted will be published in the Portrait of Humanity Book, and 50 winning images will be exhibited at various locations across the world. Second and third place winners will each receive $2,500, and one first place winner will receive $5,000 to create a project exploring their interpretation of humanity.
Be part of the movement. Together, we will create a Portrait of Humanity.
Category details:
We are inviting photographers of any level, to show us the world through their eyes, to capture the many faces of humanity, and to document the universal expressions of life; laughter, courage, moments of reflection, journeys to work, first hellos, last goodbyes, and everything in between. What’s normal to you might be extraordinary to someone else.
Our aim is to create one of the greatest collaborative photography exhibitions in history. At its core, Portrait of Humanity will be a celebration of our shared values: Individuality, Community and Unity.
Entry requirements:
Anyone and everyone is welcome to enter.
Entry fee:
Single image $15
3 Images $25
10 Images $35
Prize details:
200 shortlisted images will be featured in the Portrait of Humanity Book
50 winning images will be exhibited at various locations around the world from August – December 2019
20 images will be selected by Art on a Postcard, exhibited at Photo London and be featured on Paddle8 as well as included in the 2018 Photography on a Postcard box set
1st, 2nd and 3rd place will share $10,000 in grant awards to create projects that explore their interpretations of humanity
All shortlisted and winning photographers will receive extensive international press coverage
Have your work judged by key industry leaders
The chance to be interviewed and featured on BJP-Online
Terms and Conditions
Portraits may be of individuals or groups of people
All relevant subject consent must have been obtained for the use of the photographs for publication and exhibition. In the case of minors (persons under 18) parental / guardian consent must be obtained.
Professional and non-professional photographers of all ages are eligible to enter
Both UK based and international photographers are welcome to enter
Portraits can be shot using any camera model (film or digital), and images may be portrait, landscape or square in format
Each entrant will be deemed to warrant they own the entire copyright for the work or that they have permission from the licensee and/or copyright owner/s for the uses.
Each image can be a maximum of 10MB in size. All images must be submitted as JPEG files – any files submitted in any other format (including TIFF, PDF, PSD etc) will be discarded.
Once your images have been uploaded to the system you will see an option to submit your entry. Once submitted your entry cannot be altered. Only submitted entries will be viewed by the judges.
The winners must be available to supply high-res files promptly for publication. Digital files of the winning images will be created for press and publicity purposes.
BJP cannot be responsible for any loss or damage to submitted work.
No copyright is transferred to the BJP in respect of any works entered or accepted.
BJP reserves the right to display, reproduce and publish in any media, any entry, without payment, for the sole purpose of Portrait of Humanity – this year and in future – and its promotion and publicity.
You will be asked to pay for your entry by Credit Card or Alipay. All payments are handled securely by our payment partner Stripe. After payment, you will receive an email containing a personal upload URL where you may submit your images and statement.
All entry purchases are final. Having purchased an entry, it is your responsibility to upload and submit your images and statement before the deadline. No refunds will be issued.