Photo Stories Contest

Competition summary:
CINE-BOOKS Platform invite photographers and filmmakers, professional and amateur, to join the Photo Stories Contest!
The cine-book is a brand new type of storytelling based on next-generation media format for digital content! Our Photo Stories is a photo-comics format with a dynamic plot, charismatic characters, and an unpredictable outcome. The plot is built according to the rules of dramaturgy: the setup - the opposition - the climax - the resolution. The best-suited genres for stories are thrillers, horror, romance, and mystery that are focused on the young adult (YA) audience. Your story must be unpredictable and out of the ordinary.
Create your own Photo Story and win the Grand Prize – $3,000!
There will be more than one winner! The photo stories that viewers select will receive incentive prizes!
ALL THE WORKS selected by the moderators, with the consent of the authors, will be added after the contest for a paid Premium Channel public channel. Additionally, their authors will benefit from the views of channel subscribers.
Category details:
Photo Story CINE-BOOKS – is a new genre of photography, between photo and short film. Essentially, these are next-generation photo comics, storytelling in photography.
The main thing that distinguishes a Photo Story from a simple photo shoot is the plot. The plot is a sequence of events, interactions of the heroes, in which their characters are shown, and therefore revealing the idea of the story.
Entry requirements:
The age of the participants is not limited. The works of participants who have not reached legal majority age are accepted for the competition with the consent of the parents or guardians.
The subjects of the works are not limited. The content of 18+ is allowed without showing the genitals.
The number of entries from one participant is not limited. Each work can be entered in the contest only once.
The work can be done at any time, regardless of whether it has previously been published. If your photo story was among the winners, then in order to publish it to the Premium Channel after the contest is over, it must be removed from other resources. On other resources, only fragments selected as screenshots can be published.
Prize details:
Grand Prize – $3,000
Users’ Choice:
Photostory without text – $250
Photostory with text – $250
Cinematic story – $300
Terms and Conditions
The work can be taken with any camera or device if the technical characteristics of the images meet the requirements.
The editor for sending the works allows you to add photos, change their sequence, and add text. In the case of the Сinematic Story, it is possible to set the timings for matching static frames to the video sequence. After you press the SUBMIT button, you cannot edit the project.
A story published in the Contest Channel cannot be deleted until the contest is over.
The author of the story guarantees that the publication of his/her work does not violate the copyright of third parties (script writer, actors, and other project participants). The contest organizer is not responsible for copyright infringement by the author of the story, but undertakes to remove the work from the Contest Channel in case of a third-party complaint about a violation of their copyright.
The Grand Prize is chosen by the Competition Jury. The opinion of the Jury is not subject to appeal.
Winners of the contest will receive a notification with information on how to collect the prize. In case the winner does not respond to the notification or does not contact the organizer within a month from the date of the announcement of the winners, the organizer has the right to choose another participant as the recipient of the corresponding prize or otherwise to dispose of the prize in full. The requirements of the winners of the competition regarding the issue of prizes of the prize fund of the competition after the deadline set by the rules are not accepted.
The competition organizer has the right to use fragments of competitive works for marketing purposes to advertise the contest without notifying the author and without paying the author\'s fee. The copyright is reserved for the participant.
Within a month after the end of the competition, the winning works are available for free viewing on this page. The works that have not become winners, but are in the corresponding CINE-BOOKS FORMAT and technical requirements of the contest, will always be available on the private channels of the contestants and can be used as a portfolio.