2019 Our World is Kind Photography Contest

Status: Closed to entry Opening date: 01 May 2019 Closing date: 30 June 2019 Winners chosen by: Judging panel and audience vote
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2019 Our World is Kind Photography Contest

Competition summary:

Do you believe the world could be a kinder place? It can, through your photography.

The 2018 Our World is Kind Contest had more than 2000 submissions from more than 850 photographers in over 100 countries and viewed over 200,000 times. We received so many terrific and moving images last year that we’re back for 2019, seeking photos from talented and kind photographers around the world.

Science shows that exposure to images of kindness can help people be kinder, happier, and more grateful and optimistic. We inspire kindness in others by gathering and sharing images of kindness, compassion, joy, and love with the world.

With a total of $1,800 in cash prizes — of which $500 each are reserved for the First Place winner, the Nonprofit Honoree winner and the Public Choice winner — the contest is free to enter and has GREAT judges. Will you join the kindness movement? Submit your kind images today and #PictureABetterWorld.

Entry requirements:

Must be 18 years or older

Prize details:

First Place: $500
Public Choice: $500
Nonprofit Honoree: $500
Honorable Mention (3): $100

Terms and Conditions

By accepting these terms, I, the Participant, agree to the following:

Voluntary Participation: That participation in this contest is entirely voluntary
Rules, Decisions, and Prizes:
To abide by the contest rules
That the decisions of the contest judges are final
All US federal, state and local taxes and any other fees from receiving prizes are the sole responsibility of the prize winners. Non-US winners are solely responsible for any tax or other obligation.
If the winner(s) of any prize is found to be ineligible or decline the prize, the prize will be forfeited. Envision Kindness and the judges, at their sole discretion, may choose whether to award the prize to another contestant
Permission to Use Submitted Content: I (the “Participant”) agree to provide to Envision Kindness, Inc (“Envision Kindness”), a limited, non-exclusive license to use the image and accompanying text (all considered Content) through Envision Kindness’ own platforms to promote its mission. I, the Participant, acknowledge that I am at least 18 years of age and own the copyright to the content provided to Envision Kindness or have permission of the copyright holder to submit the Content.
That there is no expectation of compensation for submitting this Content or from Envision’s use of the Content for these purposes. Envision Kindness will credit me, the Participant, as the creator of the Content. If there are other creators of the submitted Content, then I, the Participant, warrant that all co-creators agree with the terms of the contest.
I, the Participant, retain the copyright and grant Envision Kindness a limited, non-exclusive license to use Content as consistent with its mission.
Participant warrants that he or she is the owner of the copyright to all Content submitted to Envision Kindness or have permission of the copyright holder to submit the Content and that the Content does not violate any laws or the rights of any individuals or business entities including copyrights, trade secrets, privacy rights, and right to privacy.
If there are co-creators of the submitted Content, then Participant warrants that the co-creators have all given approval for submission of the Content to this contest and for its potential use as described above.
Pursuant to this agreement, Participant and any co-creators grant a limited, non-exclusive license for the following usage of the Content:
Display on the Envision Kindness website or Envision Kindness related websites (such as a future contest website);
Circulation via e-mail and similar messaging services (e. g., Twitter, Facebook, or an app) to Envision Kindness followers and the general public;
Display on monitors/screens (in video format) to promote the mission of Envision Kindness as in EnSpire;
Promoting Envision Kindness and Envision Kindness-sponsored events (including events for which Envision Kindness is not the sole sponsor);
Testing in social science research that Envision Kindness and its collaborators undertake to understand how these images affect people;
Images may be displayed in physical exhibits in venues such as galleries or museums or theaters.
Envision Kindness will not sell or license a submitted image to a third party without prior permission of the photographer/copyright owner
Read More: http://www.envisionkindness.org/everything-you-need-to-know/

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