Galapagos Photography Competition

Competition summary:
If you have been lucky enough to visit the Galapagos Islands and have managed to capture some of the Archipelago's stunning natural beauty through the lens, why not enter our competition and see what the judges say! We are thrilled that this year's competition will be judged photographers Jonathan Green and Tui de Roy.
Category details:
Up close and personal: Illustrate the intricacy or beauty of a plant, or the character and personality of an animal in its Galapagos habitat. Judges will look for careful composition and the pin-sharp focus of close-up or macro photography.
Animal behaviour: Demonstrate a particular aspect of a Galapagos animal’s natural behaviour. Judges will look for unusual behaviours that are rarely seen, or a common behaviour depicted in an interesting and inspired way.
Landscape: Highlight the natural beauty of the Galapagos landscape. With its volcanic highlands, sloping forests, rocky shores, cliffs, beaches, lagoons and lava flows, there are plenty of opportunities. Judges will be looking for a breath-taking, unusual or awe-inspiring shot.
Underwater: Celebrate the diversity of Galapagos marine life. You can focus on the environment itself, or one of the hundreds of creatures that live in the seas around the Islands. Judges will look for stunning or unusual shots.
Urban life: The human population is growing in Galapagos, and its wildlife is learning to adapt. Your original image could capture locals going about their everyday life, bold animals exploiting the urban habitat or an unexpected scene in an urban setting.
Environmental threats: A powerful look at the threats that the unique species of Galapagos must overcome. Images can be challenging, inspiring or provocative but should illustrate either the issues themselves or the conservation work that is being done to stop them.
Entry requirements:
You may submit a maximum of six images. You can enter all six into a single category, or into different categories, but please do not enter the same image into more than one category. We would encourage you to submit images that cover a range of subjects, rather than six of a single species.
Images must be digital, with a file size greater than 2MB (maximum 7MB) and at least 1600 pixels on the shortest edge. Please ensure that your image resolution is high (preferably 300 dpi but no less than 150 dpi) – we are unable to print low quality images and therefore your image would not be eligible for our photography display or the calendar). If you are not sure how large your image is, then check its properties on your computer. In addition, please do not enter blurry or out-of-focus images. All images must be in .jpg format.
We will not accept printed photographs or photos submitted on CDs. They must be uploaded through our online entry form.
Entry fee:
This contest is free to enter.
Prize details:
The overall winner of the competition will receive:
Two tickets to GCT’s Galapagos Day 2019 event on October 30
A year’s free membership to GCT
A copy of GCT’s 2020 calendar
Their winning image included in the 2020 calendar (if landscape)
Their winning image featured online and in the competition display at Galapagos Day
The winner of each category will receive a copy of GCT’s 2020 calendar.
Terms and Conditions
1. Images must be taken within the Galapagos Archipelago. This includes all land area, and extends out to the 40 Nm boundary of the Galapagos Marine Reserve.
2. Each entrant may enter up to 6 photos in any of the categories listed.
3. Any photos that have previously been entered in a GCT photo competition are ineligible.
4. Submissions must be received by midnight on the 9 June 2019.
5. Images must be digital, with a file size greater than 2MB and at least 1600 pixels on the shortest edge. Each photo must be a high resolution image (preferably 300 dpi but no less than 150 dpi). If you are not sure how large your image is, then check its properties on your computer or get in touch with us. The maximum file size is 7MB. All images must be .jpg format. Entrants may be asked to supply the original photo should they make it to the shortlisted round. The competition organisers and judges reserve the right to exclude any image that does not meet these requirements.
Please enter the competition by completing a Photography Competition Entry Form online.
6. Each image file must be labelled with your name and the species and/or location of the photo. For example, the file name might be “Joe_Bloggs_Land_Iguana_Santa_Cruz”.
7. All photographs should accurately reflect the subject matter and the scene as it appeared. Photos that have been digitally altered beyond standard optimization will not be considered for the final round. Acceptable are adjustments to colour, contrast, brightness and sharpness; removal of dust and scratches; cropping; black and white conversions. Not acceptable are photo composites (combination of two or more photos, not of the same scene); the addition, duplication, deletion or moving of objects in the photos; or the use of artistic digital filters and effects. The competition organisers and the judges reserve the right to exclude any image they believe may have been excessively treated so as to alter its authenticity.
8. Photographers retain the copyright of any entered photos. Your entry into this photography competition constitutes your agreement to grant the Galapagos Conservation Trust (a) a non-exclusive, worldwide, irrevocable, royalty-free license to reproduce, distribute, and publicly display the photographs you submit to the Galapagos Conservation Trust, for use in any Galapagos Conservation Trust publication or webpage related to the Photographic Competition, and to be used in Galapagos Conservation Trust promotions, including, but not limited to, advertising future photographic competitions, publications from GCT or other organisations, exhibitions, future marketing materials and campaigns, webpages, email bulletins; and (b) the right to use your name, occupation, city, state and country of residence in any publication. We will endeavour to ensure that your images are always duly credited but are unable to take responsibility should your name be omitted.
9. All entries must be the original work of the entrant, and must not infringe on the rights of any other party. The entrant must be the sole copyright in all photographs entered.
10. By entering this competition, entrants will be deemed to have agreed to be bound by these rules and the competition organisers reserve the right to exclude any entry from the competition at any time and in its absolutes discretion if the organisers have reason to believe that an entrant has breached these rules.