Underwater Photographer of the Year

Status: Closed to entry Opening date: 01 November 2018 Closing date: 04 January 2019 Winners chosen by: Judging panel
This contest is currently closed for entries. Click here to receive an email notification when it opens again.
Underwater Photographer of the Year

Competition summary:

The 2019 Underwater Photographer of the Year is now open for entries! Judges are looking for your outstanding images of our planet’s underwater world.

Category details:

Categories in this contest are as follows:

1. Wide Angle: for wide angle images shot anywhere in the world. Open to all.
2. Macro: for close-up/macro images shot anywhere in the world. Open to all.
3. Wrecks: for wide angle to macro images shot on wrecks. These images can be shot anywhere in the world. Open to all.
4. Behaviour: for wide angle to close-up and macro images showing interesting natural behaviour of underwater wildlife. These images can be shot anywhere in the world. Open to all.
5. Portrait: for wide angle to close-up and macro images depicting a sense of character of the chose subject.
6. Compact: for wide angle to close-up and macro images of the underwater world taken with a compact camera. GoPro shots are also allowed in this category.
7. Up and Coming: for wide angle images shot anywhere in the world. The aim of this category is to showcase new talent. This is only open to photographers who have not previously won an award in an underwater photography contest, or who has not been published.
8. British Waters Wide Angle: for images shot anywhere in UK waters. Open to all.
9. British Waters Macro: for close-up, macro images shot anywhere in UK waters. Open to all.
10. British Waters Compact: for wide-angle to close up and macro images of the underwater world taken with a compact camera in UK waters. GoProb shots are also allowed in this category.
11. British Waters 'Living Together'

Entry requirements:

The competition is open to all.

Entry fee:

Entry fee of either £12 GBP, £30 GBP or £40 GBP, allowing photographers to enter up to 3, up to 10 or up to 20 images across the categories.

Prize details:

The Underwater Photographer of the Year will receive the top prize, a $5000 USD voucher from Nauticam

The two Compact Camera categories (Compact and British Waters Compact) have their own dedicated prize-pools (see below) and winning images will not accrue 'points' towards the overall prizes.

All other prizes will be given on a 'points-make-prizes' basis, with each photographer only receiving one prize (with the exception of those awarded in the Compact Categories, see above)

Terms and Conditions

Please visit the contest website for full Terms and Conditions.

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